
Why Should You Consider Investing in Multiple Websites?

Have you ever invested in an SEO strategy that simply didn’t seem to work? Or maybe your current one takes too much of your valuable time that can be used on other important tasks? 

If none of the white-hat SEO strategies seem to get any worthy results, or you’re wasting too much time, implementing grey-hat SEO techniques is something worth considering. While white-hat SEO techniques are fully accepted by Google’s guidelines, grey-hat SEO techniques are somehow questioned when it comes to their legitimacy. However, grey-hat SEO is way more effective and it’ll take you a shorter period of time to get to Google’s first page. That’s the reason why many website owners decide to invest in grey-hat SEO techniques. And a very commonly used-grey hat SEO technique is creating a Private Blog Network (PBN). 

What Is a “PBN”?

A Private Blog Network (PBN) is a connection between multiple websites with the purpose to increase the sense of authority to your money site. The authority is built by providing your money site with backlinks from the sites in your network. In the end, getting a boost in the search engine results pages (SERPs) will increase your website’s exposure, ensure you a higher profit, and get you more clients and customers.

Public Blog network

Your PBN will be successful only if it’s hosted by a reliable PBN hosting provider, which will guarantee you that search engines won’t discover any connection between the sites in your network. The only thing your websites should have in common is the mutual link. Except for the link, your websites should be totally different from the very start, meaning they should be hosted by different hosts, have different server names, should be built on different platforms, use different templates and each with unique and original content. 


Therefore, it can be concluded that the most important thing when it comes to creating a successful PBN is the hosting provider. This is why it’s important to choose a web host that specializes in hosting PBNs in particular. Such a web hosting provider will give you the security and extra features you need for hosting your network.

What Features Should Your PBN Hosting Offer You?

If you choose to host all of your PBN websites on different hosting providers by yourself, this will cost you a lot of money. It will take a lot of effort to manage everything but also a lot of time to keep track and pay all the bills from each host. That’s why there’s a different way to host your PBN without being concerned about spending all your resources or putting in all of your time and effort. The best way to do this is by choosing a PBN hosting provider that makes sure all your websites are different just so they don’t become conspicuous to search engines. Here’s what a quality PBN hosting provider is going to offer you:

  • No Footprints

Leaving no footprints is one way to keep your PBN safe. Footprints are something that’ll make your network easy to track, and if search engines get suspicious, then it’s very likely that the websites from your network will be submitted for a manual review by Google. That’s why it’s essential for your network to stay undiscovered without leaving any footprints. The web host you choose has a lot to do with that.

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A few quality web host providers will offer you the opportunity to host your PBN with a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN is a network of edge servers that are located globally throughout the world and distribute the data from the origin server to your global users. 


The primary purpose of a CDN is to get the content to the end-users as fast as possible by using the closest proxy server from the network. If all of your websites are located on different locations that are enabled by the IPs which are geographically different, your network won’t leave footprints. A PBN web hosting provider that uses a CDN for hosting your network is LaunchCDN. You can read about their quality service and affordable offers on their website. 

  • Website Performance

A safe and secure network is the key to success! However, it’s also important that the web host you choose offers you an option for quality web performance. Since speed is a ranking factor for Google since 2010, you have to take into consideration that if your website doesn’t load in 3 seconds, most of your readers will leave and never come back. Also, for 98% of the organizations, 1 hour of downtime costs them $100,000. Statistics show that without a quality web hosting provider that offers you at least 99.99% of uptime, your website is losing a significant amount of money. That’s why it’s better to invest into a quality web host rather than risk losing money and customers in the long run.


All in all, investing in a Private Blog Network is worthy because it will get you to Google’s first page fast and easy. When compared to other white-hat SEO techniques that are fully allowed by Google’s webmaster guidelines, this grey-hat SEO technique is riskier, but way more effective. However, in order for your website to be successful, you should make sure that you invest in the right PBN hosting company, given that the success of your website depends a lot on the web host. Therefore, we advise you to invest wisely and get the best PBN hosting provider to host your Private Blog Network!

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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