monthly web hosting plan

Why Is a Monthly Web Hosting Plan Worth Investing In?

Did you know that around 380 websites are created every minute? And the two essential things that every website needs is a domain name and web hosting provider.

So, whenever you are at the crossroads of choosing a web host for your new website, there are two options: to choose a cheap annual hosting plan with a not-so-reliable web host or to choose a monthly hosting plan with a quality web hosting provider.

While many website owners who are on a tight budget may be tricked into choosing an annual web hosting plan that will “save” them money, they don’t consider the alternative of the amazing monthly packages that are out there. 

In this article, we’ll help you to choose the best monthly web hosting plan for your business and inform you about all the perks that come with choosing a monthly web hosting plan. 

Why Should You Choose a Monthly Web Hosting Plan?

There are several reasons why you should choose a monthly web hosting provider. Let’s go over the most important benefits you’ll get if you do so. 

1.Ability to Shift Between Different Web Hosting Providers

If you choose a monthly web host, you get the chance to change it whenever you want, without any commitments. This option is ideal if you aren’t sure which web host might be right for you. Now, you’ll get the option to cancel or extend your hosting within 30 days. Also, quality web hosting doesn’t really differ as much in the features that they offer in their annual and monthly plans. So, why don’t you choose a monthly web hosting provider and change it easily if you happen to have doubts concerning some of the services they offer?

2. Pay an Affordable Monthly Commission and Get Several Hosting Packages

Instead of paying for an annual hosting plan in advance, you can choose a monthly web hosting plan and pay every month. This is a great chance to enjoy the benefits of a quality web hosting provider for an affordable price. 


You can check out these monthly hosting plans that Domain Name Sanity offers. Their monthly hosting plans are divided into three packages: a starter plan (for starting a website), a business plan (recommended for starting a business), and a pro plan (which gives you the best value for your money). If you happen to choose their pro plan, you’ll get unlimited websites, bandwidth, storage space, domains, sub-domains, email accounts, email storage space, and a free SSL certificate for just $5.95 per month. This way, you’ll save 60% and you’ll have an opportunity for additional cPanel, WHMCS, and Softaculuous licensing options.

3. Get Quality Features and Top Quality Security

Whenever you decide that a monthly web hosting plan is a better option than an annual contract, you have to check the exact features the web hosting provider offers. Always look for these 4 options in any web hosting provider:

  • Top security
  • High-quality servers
  • 1-click-installer
  • Unlimited resources

Once you choose a platform for creating your website—for instance WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.—the web hosting provider should have an option for a 1-click-install of the CMS. Also, the ability to shift between packages is important. So, if your business grows, your web hosting provider should enable you to use unlimited resources. Last but not least is the top security on high-quality servers. Your web hosting provider is responsible for keeping your information safe from malware, bots, and hackers. Choosing a web hosting provider that offers you a free SSL certificate means encrypting your private info.

4. You’ll Avoid Signing Contracts 

If you don’t like making long-term commitments, a monthly web hosting plan is the right option for you. There are some starter plans that begin with a payment of around $2 per month, which is very affordable. Then, if at any moment you feel that you are dissatisfied with the services the web hosting provider, you can just easily stop using their services. On the other hand, if you’re committed to an annual web hosting plan, quitting anytime just isn’t an option.


To read more about the benefits of using a quality web hosting provider, check out this list with all the perks of high-quality hosts.


All in all, a quality web host will offer you the chance to choose between annual and monthly web hosting plans. If you are a website owner on a tight budget, you can choose a monthly web hosting plan that will offer you the same features that an annual hosting plan does. A monthly web hosting plan will make it easier for you to switch between different hosting plans and different web hosts, without having any long-term commitments. So, if you think that a monthly web hosting plan will be suitable for you, why don’t you try it out and see how it works?

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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