common blogging mistakes

7 Most Common Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Blogger Do

Blogging is one of the most compact and innovative career option for everybody nowadays. That’s why there has been a tremendous increment in the number of bloggers over the years.

But wait. Are you a new to blogging ??

If yes, then let me tell you that blogging is not that easy my friend .you need a lot of patience and hard work if you are really serious about blogging.

Most of the times the newbie bloggers do common and silly mistakes while blogging and they end up getting failure in blogging.

Are you one of those ?

If yes,then make sure to read out this complete article . Maybe your blogging life can be changed.

Today i will be talking about the most common blogging mistakes every newbie bloggers do while blogging.

Coming straight forward to the topic , I would like to share some of the common mistakes that you are doing.

7 Most Common Blogging Mistakes


1. Not Choosing The Correct Niche

common blogging mistakes

Niche plays a vital role in blogging profession, so make sure to choose the right niche for your blog .choosing the wrong niche may end up getting frustrated and end up being a failure blogger.

Niche is the category on which you blogs .

You can’t just write on any random niche . so choose the right category as per your interest and knowledge.

For example: here at BlogsGeek, i share my experiences,tips and guides on Blogging,Making Money Online and Search engine optimization because i have interest and some decent knowledge about this niches.

Some of the examples of the most trending niches are :

  • Technology
  • Health & Fitness
  • Banking and Investment
  • Travelling
  • Cooking & Recipes e.t.c
  • Viral Content
  • Bollywood


So it’s highly advisable to choose the right niche as per your interest and comfort.

2. Choosing The Wrong Blogging Platform

common blogging mistakes

Most of the newbie bloggers also fail because of choosing the wrong blogging platform.

Don’t know about blogging platform ??

Basically blogging platform can be defined as the software or service that allows you to blog online.

What’s your domain ? Who’s your host ?

If you really don’t know about these then you are already doing several blogging mistakes .

If you are serious about blogging and want to make a revenue generating website then you must know the difference between Blogger and Self- hosted WordPress blog. generally there are two most famous blogging platform blogger and wordpress . I recommend you to use wordpress if you are serious with blogging . check out here why i recommend wordpress over blogger for blogging

I recommend you to register a domain name and find a host for your blog. Now start blogging on the self hosted wordpress blog.

Even the professionals and highly experienced bloggers in the blogging industry recommends WordPress for building a better and effective blog .which will surely help you to increase your bank balance.


3.Considering Quantity Over Quality

common blogging mistakes
Image Source- engageselling

This is the most common mistake every newbie blogger do in his initial days of blogging. i.e considering the quantity of content over the quality of content .

Always remember, Quality will always be the king but that does’t means quantity does’t play any role .

Always try to focus on quality of content .

It’s better to have 10 quality articles than having 100 articles that won’t help you in anything.

If you will focus on the quality then my friend you are one step more closer to success in blogging.

Always try to write unique content and say a big NO to copying and content spinning. these things won’t work for longer.

4.Neglecting Social Mediawhy you should use wordpress


Wuhhh !!!! You don’t know social networks are the second best source of traffic after google, and some people neglect them.

Actually they don’t know the potential of the social medias, and who knows its potential uses them to make money online.

You could get highly targeted traffic from the best social networks like facebook and google plus . All matters is how you deal with the social media. some people use them for time pass.

check out how to use facebook to drive a lot of traffic and Use those social tools to boost your brand buddy.

Social sharing sites like Pinterest also holds the potential to give you some clients and never underestimate the power of social media.

5. No SEO / Wrong SEOwhy you should use wordpress


SEO ( search engine optimization ) would be a new term for the newbie bloggers,and many of them would consider it as easy to understand and simple.

But It’s not .

One of the way to build authority of your domain is backlinks but wait it’s not that you build up 100+ backlinks in a single day,

If you are one of those who build links at this speed then you are doing a biggest mistake which would be very harmful for your blog/website.

Excess of everything is bad . So slow down , build 7-10 links in a single day.

Must Read : 6 Tricks To Write SEO Friendly Content ( Exclusive )

6. Going Alonecommon blogging mistakes


Blogging is all about helping each other and exposure,the more open you are in the blogging industry the more exposure you will have .

In simple words, build conversations with your fellow bloggers . it also helps you to be more creative, more productive . Join webinars and meetups organised in your city by fellow bloggers.

If possible, organize small meetups and invite fellow bloggers from your city.

This would be very helpful for better branding of your brand and building your domain authority .


7. Going Too Fastcommon blogging mistakes


In the start of any journey, people are full of energy and they want to complete the journey as fast as possible .

But it’s about blogging ,nothing else. so its better to be ready for a long but awesome journey . Don’t just put all your energy in the starting because doing this you will be exhausted within few week. this will end up you in giving up .

One thing i would like to tell you that, you can’t build a brand within a night. it takes a lot of what you have to do is to put your hard work continuously. then wait for the results .

One thing i can assure you that, if blogging is your passion then you’re surely going to enjoy this awesome journey with full of excitements and upcoming surprises.

At last i would like to give you some success tips and strategies check out my article on Exclusive Successive Tips For Newbie Bloggers (step by step guide ).

Ending Up

If you’ll talk about me then i started blogging in the end of 2013 as fun, during those days i usually blogs about mobiles and computer tricks and no way of monetizing was there for me .

But eventually the blogging which was fun for me became my passion and then i started serious blogging and also started generating revenues from my blog network.

There was some time, when i thought of giving up due to lack of requirements and money too but somehow i managed to continue on and today my blogs generates approx of $200 per month on auto pilot.

That means i don’t need to be consistent, just some strategies .which experience will taught you.

Stay tuned, I’ll be sharing my blogging secrets in the upcoming days.

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram


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