vps hosting vs dedicated hosting
Web Hosting

VPS Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting | Which Is Good For You?

People tend to confuse whenever they have to opt one. They end up with wrong choices or leave the right one. There are many rumors about which one is good? But this post will let you know about both for lessening confusion and after reading this article you decide which one you want to pick up.

I already compared VPS Hosting Vs Shared Hosting in my recent blog post. I think that was a comprehensive comparison between shared hosting and VPS hosting.

Let’s know something about VPS hosting in comparison to Dedicated Hosting.


Which one is good?

Hosting can be divided into four types; shared hosting, managed hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), Dedicated servers. Whereas shared Hosting plans are the cheapest membrane of web hosting in terms of performance, price and personalized.

The modern era is full of opportunities or possibility.


Virtual Private servers and Hosting Plans

First, you should know about the server and a hosting plan. A server supports a system with a hard drive, CPU, some memory and bunch of input/ output ports this is what server is! When you pick up server plan you must take care of, the speed of the CPU, the amount of accessible memory, the amount of storage/ disk space.

Now talking about Hosting plan then it is more than just a server. It is made up of both the things which you are looking for, server and a number of management services such as core software upgrades, many security protocols (i.e malware scans and automatic removal), and common performance monitoring.  

When you will be hatching for shared web hosting then you must be careful of these things – The server hardware, the multiple management services included and how the hardware is used. Just keep these three things in mind you will be halfway towards your dream.


Dedicated and VPS Hosting

If you go for dedicated hosting plans, then there will be the one user who can employ ALL of the hardware on the server. If your choice is VPS hosting then server hardware will be accessible for many different users at the same time.

But Dedicated hosting plan gives you the special authority to employ the sources the way you want. You will have complete control over the hardware.

Whereas VPS is accessible for various users. Just think about you have single pizza and you have to share with 5 more people, shared web hosting is just the same. On this an individual mouse, keyboard and screen are interconnected to the system for each user.

Note: If the hardware has 500GB hard drive, 12GB of memory, and four people employ the hardware then each one will get 125GB of storage space and 3GB of memory.  So you cannot have your personal space.

Point Of Difference In VPS Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting?

You must understand what exact difference both have. VPS and dedicated hosting can propose wended and hogshead servers and both can be combusting quickly. Both services do come with self- regulating malware scanning and removal, annual safety audits and much more.

There is one more thing, it may be possible some facilities will be free but while some are paid, for that you should have knowledge about particular management services endeavored by whichever hosting company you are considering.



If you find people together on the same server, then this is so obvious it will be cheaper because it will cost them very low. So if you want to go from that point to VPS then it is the absolute right choice for you. It embarks on with $20/ month, mid-range ones clock in at around $55/ month and high –end servers will be from $120/ month or more. Hosting service providers such as A2 Hosting gives VPS hosting at affordable prices. As per our  A2Hosting experience &  research A2 Hosting provides 20X site speed for all hosting plans.

Whereas a Dedicated hosting is much promising with its provided quality, it cost a little expensive but you will get so many things with it such as personal space, or full command over hard drive etc. It could cost you $2,500/ month – it will let you reach towards so many people.



Everyone is so much concerned about their security and they are so much dedicated towards their security. Talking about dedicated servers, this gives you more promising safety than VPS server.

As it secures you from annoying threats that any hosting plan could give you. There is one weakness which VPS servers have that is; the hypervisor whereas dedicated web hosting is completely free from this threat.



It is a matter of concern. It should be good, according to your comfort. Because you will be alone working on the computer, who will handle all of the things.

When you will have complete command over the server, you will be able to (it requires skills) put simultaneously a configuration which works for whatever site you want to run. Dedicated server has applicable choice on this note.



It talks about hardware specifications. Dedicated server has more power here than VPS server – because it does not require to share the resources with multiple users and with a VPS server. Ipage is another affordable dedicated service provider here is the review about Ipage to know the performance of the hosting in detail.



As the article clearly talked about it will be full of suggestions and guideline but you will be the one who will pick up after reading the whole post. So if you cannot afford dedicated host then VPS will be the right choice or even if you want to have some experience first then without investing you could achieve something.

Or if money is not an issue with you then you do not need to give a second thought about dedicated web hosting because it is indeed an excellent choice.


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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram


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