• common blogging mistakes

    7 Most Common Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Blogger Do

    Blogging is one of the most compact and innovative career option for everybody nowadays. That’s why there has been a tremendous increment in the number of bloggers over the years. But wait. Are you a new to blogging ?? If yes, then let me tell you that blogging is not that easy my friend .you need a lot of patience and hard work if you are really serious about blogging. Most of the times the newbie bloggers do common and silly mistakes while blogging and they end up getting failure in blogging. Are you one of those ? If yes,then make sure to read out this complete article . Maybe…

  • Make Money Online,  Blogging

    How To Make Money On Instagram 2018?

    These days every brand is focusing on their marketing of their products and especially on the social media sites. with these increment in the marketing of products through social media ample of opportunities are created for everyone. Instagram has more than 600 million+ active users and is still growing at a fast rate so how could you ignore such a huge audience with a lot of potential with them. I’ll clear everything in today’s article, well today I will talk about making money on Instagram. You must be like: Can we make money on Instagram too? Yeah !! you can. Instagram is getting more popular these days and top influencers…

  • online business ideas
    Make Money Online

    18+ Online Business Ideas You Can Start Today

    The best place for investing something and generating something is internet so you can say it’s the best place for doing business. Investing and starting a business is far better than dumping your $$ into an offline store in an offline market.there are a lot of big reasons why you should start an online business. In today’s article, I’ll be talking about the various online business ideas with which you can start an online business and start making money working at home. I prefer business than working as an employee for someone. Being your own boss have a different feeling. You must be thinking why am I preferring online business?…

  • shafi khan mybloglift

    21 Answers From Inspiring Blogger Shafi Khan

    Hello Geeks, Did you enjoyed the previous interview of sunny kumar from TheGuideX.com  ? If not then check it out here. Interview with Sunny from TheGuidex I am here to present the next interview of our Interview series. Today we are having an another Inspiring and Motivational Blogger Shafi khan from India here at Blogsgeek. he is here to represent and deliver his views and myths regarding Blogging,Make Money Online , Driving Traffic, search engine optimization exclusively for you. Let me tell you this is the very first interview of Shafi . Please Introduce Yourself to Our Reader Hi Aditya, first of all, thanks for taking my interview and I never imagined of…

  • Affiliate Marketing,  Blogging

    Affiliate Marketing For Beginners:A Complete Guide

    As a blogger everybody wants to Monetize their blogs so that they can also have a income along with their hobby, most of the bloggers mainly use Google Adsense To Monetize Their Blog ,Other Uses Chitika And similar PPC Advertising Platforms to Earning money with their blogs but What Matters in PPC Advertising Platforms Are That You Can’t Earn A Massive Income. All Depends On Your Traffic The More Traffic You Have,The More Earning You Will Receive No Matter What Your Visitors Are Interested In.But For Those Who Want To Earn According To Them I Mean Massive Then The Answer Would Be Affiliate Marketing.  Yeah Affiliate Marketing And Today We Are Writing…

  • Amazon Refer And Earn Program
    Make Money Online

    Amazon Refer And Earn Program-A Complete Guide To Earn

    Refer and earn programs are now becoming the key strategy for the e-commerce merchants to set up a large customer base ,every e-commerce sites are coming up with their lucrative refer and earn programs for their users. Refer and earn programs are the best way to make money online in a shorter time, we recommend you to try every refer and earn program as it makes quick money with less efforts. Not everyone can make money with the Refer and Earn Programs, you must have some large database i.e contacts with whom you could share or refer . This time Amazon- The Leading & Best E-commerce have came up with their Refer And Earn Program and…