• How To Remove Attribution Widget From Blogger

    Remove Attribution Widget From Blogger

    I Think Most Of  Us want to Remove The Attribution Widget From Blogger Blog as It Looks a Little Odd so Today I Am Going To Describe about How To Remove Attribution Widget From A Blogger Blog As Default We Can’t Remove The Widget But after A little Change In HTML Codes We Can Easily Remove The Widget From The Blog Firstly Go To The Dashboard Of The blogger Blog Then Move On To The Template section And Click On EDIT HTML After Clicking On That You Will Find A Option Jump To Then select Attribution From There,You Will Find A HTML code Like Below <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'> From There Change The…

  • Migrate From Blogger To Wordpress

    Migrate From Blogger To WordPress

    In My Earliar Article I Had Described About why one should move from blogger to wordpress and hope that i had done well at my level so today i am going to write about its next part means whoever wants to migrate but dont know how to do so for those buddies i am writing about migrating your blog from blogger to wordpress and while migrating your blog you were thinking about the SEO and page ranks loss so for that we are also explaining about migrating without loosing traffic in this post so the Steps Starts Here- Before Migrating You Must Have A high level Domain ex .com,.net etc…

  • What Theme A website is using

    What Theme A Website Is Using

    Its A Very Intresting thing That To Know What Theme A website is Using and There Are many ways to detect a website theme and most the the users don’t know about the way so today i am going to tell about the ways you can know what Theme a website is using plus speciall a new thing that to know about the Plugins a wordpress website is using so the ways are as follows Using A Online Website That Provides You A tool to know about the wordpress theme name,Its Author , Theme URL And You Will also get to know about The plugins A website Is using Just…

  • How To Increase Pendrive Transfer Speed

    How To Increase Pendrive Transfer speed?

    Hi Friends,Do You remember that in my last post i had detailed about How To Write Protect A Removable Drive To save Your Pendrive From Virus And Unwanted files And had told you a way to protect your pendrive or removable Drive Or You Can Say USB Drive But Do you ever think that sometimes while transferring your data to the pendrive the transfer rate is bit slow Like In kbps And It Consumes a lot of time and i think everybody wants to get a high transfer rate so today i am going to tell about  how to increase Pendrive transfer speed or copying speed Must Read : How To Write Protect A Pendrive?…

  • How to Prevent right click on blogger

    How to Prevent Right Click In Blogger?

    Hello Everyone Today i am having a special trick for all the Blogger users. Have you ever noticed that on surfing any website there are some which do not allow Right click or you dont have any option to copy the contents if you found something intresting on the net So that Is call How To Prevent Right Click On Blogger and today i am going to tell you a simple trick which is very usefull for my blogger friends so as to save their contents from being copied directly so without wasting any more time I am telling you the 3 Step to Use This Simple Trick How to Prevent Right…

  • Facebook

    Create A Ghost Account On Facebook

    Nowdays, If You Have Observed That In Your Facebook Account Some Invisible Account Mean The Name Is Not  shown .Today I will Tell You what is that .Actually it is known as ghost account or blank name account but in real nothing is there its a simple trick behind that so if you are intrested in creating a ghost account or making your currnt account a ghost acount the carefully read the below steps to do that Step-1: Open your facebook account Using any browser [ google chrome is recommended ]Step-2: Now go to  account setting  »  General » language »  Bhasha indonesia. Step-3: Now go into your browser setting, set proxy…

  • Facebook

    How To find A Friend Facebook Password ?

    I heard many times from my friends that they want to know password of their friends sometimes parents also want their kids facebook or any other social media password in order to see whether they are doing something wrong or not . So today On A high Demand I am opening my best trick with all of you .That Is How To Trace Or find Facebook Password. First of alll before starting the trick you must have mozilla firefox browser installed on your pc and then it starts here :- Run The Mozilla Firefox browser in your Pc. Do You Remember Whenever A person log In to facebook the browser…

  • How To Cancel All Sent Friend Requests On Facebook

    How To Cancel All Sent Friend Request On Facebook ?

    Facebook A social Networking Site Which was started in Feburary 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his few Class fellows . At that time it was just a simple website to interact with friends of a Harvard University And Was a limited for the founders only. but as years pass it gain so much popularity that now it is the biggest social networking site with more that 200 million active users and is the largest growing community on the internet. People from every country in this world  likes to share their moments with facebook and wants to make new friends and usually they send friend request in order to add someone but…