It was December 2013 when I started my first online blog on blogger platform and since then I had learned a lot. I guess blogging is the only profession in which you are learning every second.
Bloggers are really creative and it’s not that easy to become a pro blogger. now also I remember how I blog during my initial days of blogging, improper grammar and bad English but these all mistakes helped me to improve my command over my writing skills and vocabulary.
The Journey till now is really adventurous with full of fun and learning, To be frank I started blogging with the main motive of making money online but ended up making blogging my passion.
Today, I don’t care if I don’t monetize my content to create some revenue because blogging is not all about making money.
I’m going to share What I Learned In 3+ Years Of Blogging, so check out the complete article.
Table of Contents
#1 – Blogging Is Not About Making Money
This is the first thing I learned from my blogging life, you will too experience this once you started blogging passionately. Revenues and money will not be your only goal but what your goal will be to reach out to more people around the globe, more exposure, more learning, meeting new people.
Yeah, blogging will help you to build new friends and circles around the globe, you will interact with different people and will learn from them.
Attending blogging workshops and meetups is also a great fun, you will have ample of opportunities to build your brand and to promote it.
If you don’t blog, then I’ll recommend you to start a blog now.
#2 – Time Management Is Necessary
Yes, Blogging gives you an option to work any time and at your comfort too. but this doesn’t mean that you’ll not have to follow a timetable.
Time management is required and essential in every aspect of life, in other words, you must have a time management everywhere.
If You decided to blog 2-3 days a week then you must complete your self-commitment.
I learned this in my initial days, I used to postpone things for tomorrow. but when i saw one of my fellow bloggers with whom I started blogging hitting a new milestone, I realized my mistake.
So, I will recommend you to follow a timetable in your life.
#3 – Consistency Is The Key
You must have heard that story of ” The Rabbit & The Tortoise” in your childhood and same story applies here too.
You must be consistent with your work, Don’t drag the things for tomorrow. complete it today.
I would like to tell you a way.
Do small commitments to yourself and complete it. I am asking you for small commitments because in this way you will develop a habit of completing your commitments.
#4- Don’t Quit
Another great learning I learned in my blogging journey is not to quit. Most of the bloggers just give up just because their blog is not generating revenue.
For those bloggers I would like to tell you that I didn’t generate a single penny from blogging during my first two years of blogging ,Most of the times I also thought of giving up and shutting down my blogs but in that two years I have developed a relationship with my blog and I just can’t shut it down like this .
Literally, I mean all your hard work just vanished because you were not generating revenue, I know how difficult was those two years for me, I was not having enough money for the hosting and domain charges.
Even I was not having a proper internet connection.
But then also I didn’t give up and continued my blog, learned a lot about Affiliate marketing, Search engine optimization and many more,
Then Finally in November 2016, My time started and I made a whopping 96$ in a single day and after that, I continued my work and was making $$ on auto pilot mode.
Will write an article on it shortly.
#5 There’s No Shortcut
This would be the best thing I learned that there’s no shortcut. whether it’s about success or anything. Looking for a shortcut is about wasting your time.
Now you would say ” smart people go with shortcuts “.
No, those are not shortcuts . its the way they work.
Remember ” When It Comes To Success, There’s No Shortcut “.
Smart work hacks are other things but I’ll recommend not to use shortcuts for your long-term business plans. for example black hat SEO for faster results etc.
You must check this : 9 Newbie Tips For Successive Blogging
#6 Blogging Can Be Part-time 
You don’t need to quit your 9-5 job or your studies for blogging, you could do it side by side along with your other works. Believe me, if you are having passion towards blogging then you can easily manage it .
I was in class 9 when I started blogging and I managed my time properly between studies and blogging.
But If you are at the stage where you can manage your expenses just by blogging and want to turn into a full-time professional blogger. you can surely opt for it.
Remember Not everybody is Harsh Agarwal – The Founder Of ShoutDreams, who quit his 9-5 job just for the sake of blogging and today he is generating a lot from his online empire.
So think twice before taking any decision.
#7 Copying and Content Spinning 
This is the first thing most of the newbie bloggers do, they just read out something on the web and they just copy it. In some cases, they don’t even remove the links. While other’s spin the content.
Mark my words ” You’ll not get anything by doing this “.
Let me ask you a question. Why Someone will read the same thing they’d read earlier?
Create unique articles. discover more about it, build a case study and then publish it.
You’ll surely get better results.
I’ll give you an example, recently Harsh Wrote An Article on
How To Explain That You Are A Blogger To Your Spouse’s Family
Isn’t it unique ??
Check this out: 6 Steps For Writing SEO Friendly Articles
#8 Building Relationships With Fellow Bloggers
Building relationships and network with fellow bloggers have its own importance, being alone in blogging is so boring I realized with time.
You’ll learn new things with new people, you can generate new ideas to write on.
You’ll Learn new blogging strategies and marketing techniques from bloggers.
Best way to build relationships is to join forums, attending blogging meetups like WordCamp. Commenting on other blogs is also a way to build a connection.
Since I started blogging, I made a lot of friends and came in touch with many fellow bloggers. we shared ideas, strategies, and techniques.
Helped each other to build each other’s network.
These are what I learned in my blogging journey so far. If you’ve been a blogger you could better understand and must have experienced these things.
Want To Share Your Experiences and Learning?
Comment Below
This information is very useful. thanks for sharing.
Lakshmi Rajput
Sir thanks for sharing this article
This information is very useful.
Thanks , For Sharing This Articles
Keep sharing and have a great time blogging.
jaydeep machhi
Congratulation to 3 years yours successfully blog update
amazing blog, blogging is seriously not only about money
NIce Artical
guru sidhu
really good and helpful article for the new blogger. keep it continue, thanks for sharing your experiences.
good nice post
Hi Very Good Article Keep up the Good Work!
This is the very informative post and interesting one, I love to read more about this.
I appreciate your effort.
Salim Shaikh
Thanks for sharing this info. keep up the good work going.
Very Superb Article.
Thanks a lot for sharing this information
Praveen kumar udia
This is a very good site short and smart content is provided by blogger
thank you i have bookmarked your site.
Such an incredible information that you have shared. Keep it up.
Monika Sharma
Hi Aditya,
This article is all about your journey as you faced your life in 3 years ! Learning never stop on anyway & your experience is valuable for your blog readers as you mention “Blogging Is Not About Making Money”
Some people think Blogging is best for money & start blogging for money only but apart money Blogging is more…
good one keep it up.
That’s a nice one.
Great article mate!
Keep up the good work.
hi aditya u are doing awesome work
keep updating us
hello.. nicely written post Aditya.. keep it up. good luck
Samrat Dutta
Really enjoyed reading, and i got those experiences too.
Hii Aditya,
Great Job and keep it up..!
md kafilur raheman
really helpfull
Dr. Anirudh Vij
Such a Great Informative Blog Sir. You are educating lots of newbies blogger and Digital Marketers.
Keep Posting. Appreciated your Work.
waqas ameer
hello mr aditaya your article is very informative and i like your article.
Hello Sir,
Thanks , For Sharing This Articles
Keep sharing and have a great time blogging.
Nice I have got those experiences too.
smith john
This article tells you about the trip you have encountered in your life for 3 years! Learning never stops anyway, and their experience of “blogging is not making money” is priceless for your blog readers.
Webs Techno
This is the very informative post and interesting one, I love to read more about this.
I appreciate your effort.
Thanks for sharing your ideas, and I’m really inspired with your articles since I always dreaming that someday I may able to write a book.
So thank you once again for the motivation.
taha ansari
Very Good & much Great. You are successful because you share all the Knowledge you know with others. That’s a Great sign! Good Luck to the Future
Rajveer singh
Awesome bro
same like you i also started blogging to earn money but Acc. to your experience there is no shortcut . it will take time to successful but i learnt today our focus should not to earn money…
Thank you
Really nice Info Keep up the good work
Thanx for sharing with us
sandeep gupta
Really Very nic..
Congratulation Keep Working. You are excellent blogger.
You have shared a motivating post here!
Bloggers who contribute Quality content to their Blogs are The only one’s which have been able to Monetize Their Blog , They deliver Through there blogs Information which is needed by Viewers.
First of all,Congrats bro for completing 3 years.
I really liked that blogging helped you and me too improving my english. When we are newbie in blogging it is one of the most painful thing.We have to write and check grammatical mistakes.
Thanks,It is really motivating post
Thanks a lot and stay connected for updates.
Best of luck for your blogging journey.
jitendra vaswani
Thanks for sharing…
mandeep singh
hey dost i also start my blogging journey but i dont get any traffic now. can you tell me how much this take to drive small traffic to my site.
Soon I’m going to publish a series of articles on driving traffic on your blog.
Stay connected
I agree with you that blogging is not all about money, because making money with blogging takes a lot of months to make some results and if you just focus on making money then you wont make money because you will just quit soon when you realize that you are not making money.
Yes Exactly and this is the only reason why most of the bloggers fail in their initial stage of blogging.
I recommend everyone not to do blogging from money making point of view.
Nice article Dear Sir…
You are really very good blogger..
can i get your a few minutes… please check it i will give you an high quality backlink
i wish for your golden future
Maria Shahid
This is very good article to readout i am very impress from this. Thanks for keep up the good work.
Jatin Deshwal
You are a good articles writer. Your articles are the most important for every Article reader who loves the reading article. I love reading articles. I hope everyone so much loves these articles like me. So keep writing a newer effective article.
Karan Singh
Bro You just surprise me . I think your idea is best but, if you are passionate about anything then this will definitely provide result. If you passionate about making money then one you will get a huge amount of money also.
Vishwakarma Interior
Great post! Thanks for sharing this amazing post.