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OptinMonster Review 2019: Is It the Best List Building Tool?

Looking to grow your email list?  I would say Email Marketing is the best practice that can help you out in growing your email list. When it comes to email marketing. You need to know how to ask people to join your list.

There are a lot of WordPress Plugins to grow your email marketing list. But most of them require you to have some sort of coding and graphics knowledge with some limitations. This is the main reason everyone opts for OptinMonster for their email marketing campaigns.

I would say OptinMonster is still the best list building tool in 2019. 

Wait, I have a lot of points to justify my opinion.

For those who’re new to Email Marketing and don’t know about email marketing tools.

OptinMonster Review In A NutshellOptinMonster Review

OptinMonster is a strong lead generation tool that can help you in growing your online business. It’s a complete conversion optimization tool which will definitely improve the way you interact with your website users. It can help you to

  • Create every type of opt-in forms using OptinMonster Visual Editor
  • Connect your forms with various email marketing services
  • Get more accurate data related to your forms.

It was just a summary of OptinMonster Review. Let’s dig more and learn more things about OptinMonster.

Why You Need A Lead Generation Tool?

The best way to reach out to your website’s visitors is through email or through social media. We’ll be talking about email in this article. Email is still a cost-effective way to get connected with your visitors and customers.

But, Where you’re going to send your emails?

You can’t send emails to random users, You need to have a targetted list of users related to your product or service. Usually, the visitors coming on to your website are considered to be target users.

How you’re gonna ask them out for their email addresses?

Lead generation tools can help you out in asking your users in an interactive way. You must know using better lead generation tools can grow chances of signups by 27% from your website traffic.

The most simple answer for the question is to get more quality leads out of your normal traffic. So that you can monetize them later.



5 Reasons Why I Recommend OptinMonster

OptinMonster Review

OptinMonster Has Got An Awesome Interface

User interface and User Experience have a great role to play in online business. I think that’s why UI/UX designers are getting paid so much. Anyways, OptinMonster has got a really good and easy to navigate interface. You can easily learn how to manage things in OptinMonster.

It made creating awesome opt-ins easy with their visual editor.


They Have Really Easy A/B Testing Options

A/B testing is a great way to find out the best performing campaign by testing multiple campaigns simultaneously based on user behavior. This way one could easily find out the best opt-ins and can scale their business using the same.

With Easy A/B testing options, OptinMonster gave me another reason to recommend it to all my readers. If you do a lot of A/B testing & experiments with your website traffic then I’ll surely recommend OptinMonster to you.


OptinMonster Templates Allow You To Get Started Within Minutes

You no longer have to mess your hairs while designing your opt-in forms. They have already a bunch of pre-made templates that you can use within a few clicks and you can start acquiring leads from your normal website traffic.


You Can Set Up Various Campaigns With OptinMonster

Not just Opt-in forms, OptinMonster has a lot of other options too. You don’t have to go to multiple places. It’s other main options are:

  • Floating Bars
  • Slide-in Forms
  • Sidebar Forms
  • Inline/after-post Forms


OptinMonster Is Great For People With Multiple Websites

OptinMonster is a cloud tool and not like a WordPress plugin so It makes it easier to use for multiple websites. You don’t have to install a plugin separately in all your different websites.

Just integrate all your website with your OptinMonster dashboard and manage everything from a single panel. It will make everything more convenient for you.


How OptinMonster Can Help You In Your Business?

If you’re a publisher or you own an E-commerce Store, OptinMonster is going to help you in both ways. It can help you in multiple ways. Don’t know? Let’s have some light over it.

It can bring a J-curve in your Email List

If you’ll be using OptinMonster then you don’t need to worry about designing eye-catchy subscription forms for your users. OptinMonster visual editor will help you in making a responsive and amazing visual form for your business.

Interaction matters a lot while doing business and the first impression remains the first always so try to be better in the first run. With OptinMonster Behaviour detection technology, You’ll know better which type of forms you should place to get the best results. That’s it, You’ll soon see the J-curve in your email subscribers.

Convert first-time visitors into regular visitors.

Don’t you know that 70% of your website visitors will never return to your website again? It means you’ll be losing a hell lot of potential users that can be converted into a regular visitor and later on into customer.

With connecting your visitors to your email newsletter, You can easily make them visit your website again and again by sending them valuable emails on a regular interval of time.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

You must have heard about follow-up, It helps in growing business both online and offline. Cart Abandonment is a really great problem for all the e-commerce store owners.

But OptinMonster can help them in converting the users who are about to leave the site without buying anything by offering them some sort of offers, deals & response based on their behavior.

Onsite Retargeting

The basic concept behind retargeting is to try to convert the user through personalized ads & offers who left your store without buying anything. But OptinMonster has a feature of Onsite Retargeting.

This feature enables you to prompt the users who are going to leave your website with an exit campaign like a personalized pop-up or something else. It will all be executed on the basis of user behavior.

I think it’s a pretty cool feature that can certainly convert some part of exit users into customers.


Get OptinMonster now at a discounted rate.

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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