
Form Abandonment: How To Save Lost Leads In 4 Simple Steps?

Getting a lot of traffic on your website? but still not getting any leads?

I mean people are visiting your business website but not checking out or filling up the forms you have on your website. This is what we call Form Abandonment.

Form abandonment is a really big issue and studies say that the average form abandonment rate is somewhat around 60%.

Most of the marketers and webmasters don’t even know about it. They have no idea how much business they are loosing just because of form abandonment.

Everyone wants more leads. Don’t you?

In this article, I’ll be talking about reducing form abandonment rate on your website. I’ve got some ways to reduce form abandonment. Let’s learn them now.

How To Reduce Form Abandonment In WordPress?

There are many factors that led your visitor to abandon your website form. No matter it’s a contact form, registration form or an order form. You’ll lose the customer at every level.

Main reasons behind Form Abandonment.

  • Bad User Interface
  • Boring & Not Responsive
  • Unnecessary Questions
  • High Loading Time

These are the main things which can make someone leave your website. I recommend you to fix these things and implement a better design and optimize it for lower loading time.

Still, it’s not working out?

Maybe, there’s something more to fix. I’ve something else for you.

I’ve got something for you which can help you collect the data of customers who’ve left your website midway.

You must have some form-builder plugin installed on your WordPress website. I’ll recommend you to use WPForms because they only have the feature of Form Abandonment i.e you can see the data of users who’ve abandoned your website.

Isn’t it cool?

Let’s learn how you can do it.

Step 1: Install & Set Up WPFormsConversational Forms

The first step you need to take is to Install WPForms on your WordPress websites.I’ve already published a guide on setting up WPForms

Just after installing and activating the WPForms plugin, Just navigate to their add-ons and look for Form Abandonment.


Hit install Add-on and install it.

Step 2: Create A Form

Now you need to create a new Form where you’ll collect your business leads, may it be a contact form or registration form. You can create every type of forms with WPForms. Everything in one place.

Choose the type of form and enter any name of the new form you’re just creating.

You’ll get a visual editor on your screen from where you can design the entire form. I’ll recommend you to create a conversational form, as the chances of abandonment are less in that case.

create a form

Some tips to create amazing forms that convert:

  • Make it super simple
  • Add a conversational form
  • Make it like a quiz
  • Clean Design

Step 3: Enable Form Abandonment

After creating a great form, the main step is to enable form abandonment on that form.

Just navigate to Settings>>Form Abandonment and enable it.Form Abandonment

Step 4: Start Collecting Data

You’re done now.

You can get the lost leads from navigating to WPForms>>Entries.

Form Abandonment
Source- WPForms


Wrapping Up

Leads are very important when it comes to business and if you’re not able to collect the leads then you’ll miss a lot of business.

I tried explaining about collecting lost leads with WPForms. They have introduced an amazing add-on i.e Form Abandonment. This add-on can help you collect those user data who’ve left your website after filling out partial data or they have abandoned your form.

I hope this guide helped you in reducing form abandonment on your website.

In case you need more about creating forms, here are some resources:

How To Turn Website Visitors Into Subscribers Using WPForms?

WPForms Vs Gravity Forms: Which is the best option?

How To Create A Signature Form In 3 Simple Steps?


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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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