eCommerce Mistake

The Top #1 eCommerce Mistake You Want to Avoid

Are you one of those eCommerce store owners who are facing the issue of low sales and high cart abandonment? This article is going to be for you and might help you in fixing mistakes.

I’ve seen a lot of people out there who are having an eCommerce store and are facing issues like more traffic but fewer conversions. Everyone is not an expert and can make mistakes. Maybe, You are also doing such similar mistakes.

I can understand the efforts one makes for bringing users on their websites and then driving them to the shopping cart. After putting so many efforts, if the user is not converted into a customer then all your money & efforts will go in vain.

In this article, I’ll be talking about the eCommerce mistakes you are doing and how you can fix it.

The most unseen mistakes everyone does in eCommerce business is ignoring the statistics of their store cart abandonment. Maybe some of you have just started out don’t have an idea about the cart abandonment.

Let’s know a little more about Cart Abandonment.

What is Cart Abandonment?

When a user goes on eCommerce websites and adds the product to their shopping cart and start the checkout process but leaves the website without completing the purchase is known as cart abandonment.

If you’re having high numbers of cart abandonment then your store has got some really serious problems.

Reasons You’re Facing Cart Abandonment

eCommerce mistakes

There can be a lot of reasons why users are not completing their purchases on your website. Still, to point out a few of the reasons behind cart abandonment. Here are some reasons:

  • Lack Of Trust
  • Bad User Interface/ User Experience
  • Complexity
  • Lack Of Payment Options
  • Technical Problems

These are the most common problems that cause users to abandon their shopping carts. Do a complete audit of your website and make sure these things are working fine.

Sounds a heavy task?

You don’t need to put so many efforts for reducing cart abandonment. Instead, I’ll recommend you to use OptinMonster for your eCommerce website.

In fact, Not using OptinMonster for your eCommerce store is the biggest mistake you are making.

OptinMonster is a tool that can help you fix all these cart abandonment issues. I’ve also included OptinMonster in the list of 9 Best Tools To Grow Your eCommerce Sales Online

This tool has got everything you need to grow your website sales. It can help in reducing cart abandonment. Look Reducing cart abandonment is all about increasing your website conversion rates.

So, How It Can Help You?

How OptinMonster Can Help You In Reducing Cart Abandonment?

OptinMonster Review

OptinMonster has got everything you need to fix all the issues on your websites. You can also have a read on my complete OptinMonster Review from here. They are really good at optimizing your eCommerce store to convert visitors into customers.

The basic thing where most of the website owner fails is the user interface & experience. Just like putting a basic HTML form on your lead generation page and customer registration page. It’s 2019 and you need to provide a better experience to the user to get them converted into a customer.

With OptinMonster you can easily do the following

Great Opt-in Forms

OptinMonster is really going to amaze you with their different forms as per your campaign. They have got some really great form templates not just the opt-in forms but you can also implement slide-in forms, sidebar forms as well as floating bars on your eCommerce website.

With OptinMonster, You can increase the chances of conversion by giving a special pop-up offers for the users who are leaving your website without making a purchase after adding something in their cart.

This will be based on user behavior on your website and will easily reduce the problem of cart abandonment.

Getting More Leads

Maybe some of you might be struggling with lead generations for your business. If you’re one of them then OptinMonster can help you out in generating more leads for your business.

They are considered as the best lead generation tool for online businesses with their amazing features. You should give them a try.

A/B Testing With OptinMonster

You must know how much A/B testing is important when you’re managing online campaigns. A/B testing is the best way to find out the best performing campaigns and initiatives so that you can scale them up for your business website.

OptinMonster gives you an option of A/B testing with your business website. By using OptinMonster, One could easily find out the best opt-ins and can scale their business using the same.


Onsite Retargeting

How’s that if you can start targeting the people who’ve left abandoned carts on your store? With OptinMonster, You can start Retargeting your older users who’ve viewed your products but have not bought anything as well as the existing customers too.

It can be done with OptinMonster Onsite Retargeting feature. Just use their different forms as I’ve mentioned in the first features of OptinMonster.

You should try OptinMonster now to help your business grow online. Get a special discount if you buy now.



Most of the eCommerce owners are facing issues with their online businesses with major being the cart abandonment problem. You need to understand human behavior & marketing psychology to know why users are leaving the shopping carts on your website. Maybe there’s some technical issues or something else.

Also, If you’re not using OptinMonster on your business website then I’ll consider it as your biggest mistake. I’ll recommend you to go for OptinMonster as it can fix a lot of issues with your website and also, It’ll help you in reducing Cart Abandonment issues and increased conversions on the website.



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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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