Market Your Digital Assets

3 Tips To Market Your Digital Assets The Right Way

I have always said that you should never start a blog when the sole purpose of doing so is for generating revenue. While there are plenty of opportunities to make money from a blog, getting into blogging only to make money will only result in you feeling overwhelmed and fatigued before you reach the monetization phase.

However, marketing your blog – and yourself as the person behind that blog – is still important. After all, you are the salesman for your own blog, and knowing how to market your blog correctly will help you reach that monetization phase faster. These next few tips and tricks will help you approach marketing your digital assets the right way.

Stay True to Your Story

If you wanted to start a blog a few years ago, the most common advice you will receive is that you have to find a niche. Today, however, that advice has changed a little. Instead of a niche, you need to find a powerful and consistent story to tell.

The story you tell on your blog can then be used for marketing purposes. For example, you can use your passion for photography as a way to market your blog if that is the primary theme or storyline. You can then organize your marketing around that passion.

The same is true for when you are sharing stories about your business. With a continuous story to tell, getting the marketing details (i.e. the call to action, the right key messages, etc.) right will always be easy. By staying true to your story, you are connecting with a wider audience too.

Avoid Manual Work

Since you are most likely doing marketing and sales yourself, another thing you want to get right from the start is the funnel. You need to be extra certain that you are approaching the right target clients, and that you approach them using the correct method.

Implementing automation from the start is recommended. Most marketing and sales tools come with automation tools anyway, so why not use them to build a stronger marketing funnel for your blog? You can use integration tools like PieSync to simplify the workflow further.

In the case of PieSync, you can use multiple tools like CRMs and email marketing campaign tools without being overwhelmed by manual work. Highrise Outlook integration, for example, is simply because PieSync already has recipes to use. This makes using multiple platforms and their features easier.

Be Persistent

As mentioned earlier, you cannot expect to monetize your blog immediately, especially if you are just getting started. This is true even when you have a big audience. You still need to gain traction and build momentum before you can begin working with clients of your blog.

Persistence is important here. Don’t give up just because your proposal or marketing pitch gets rejected. Learn how to improve the marketing pitch, and then approach another potential client with the new deck.

That was what I – and many other professional bloggers – did during my early blogging days. That’s what the owners of 15,348 successful blogs made using this guide did too. Now, it is your turn to make small steps toward monetizing your digital assets.



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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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