create a website on wordpress

How To Build A WordPress Website in 10 Minutes?

If a small website with a description of your company is enough for your business, it is better to create it on the WordPress platform. You can do it quickly and easily by yourself.

This does not mean that WordPress is only suitable for creating a small information site or blog. With it, you can create online stores, big corporate sites, and information sites.

So if you need the website as soon as possible, choose WordPress.

Creating the websites on WordPress is simple, it has the following advantages:

  1. This is a free content management system;
  2. Depending on your plans and capabilities, you can choose free WordPress templates, or you can use paid ones, for example, if you want to customize your site more efficiently;
  3. There is a huge number of plugins that allows you to achieve flexible functional and visual site efficiency;
  4. WordPress has very simple controls that everyone can understand.


How Can I Create a Website on WordPress quickly?

The order is always the same:

  1. Choose a hosting and domain registration
  2. Install WordPress
  3. Choose a theme.
  4. Customize WordPress with a basic set of plugins.


It mostly depends on hosting.

If you are a confident user, you can get down to business immediately. But if you want to practice, it makes sense to start with a personal blog on free hosting on the WordPress platform.

And then transfer the site to qualified hosting. Here you can find a reliable and fast one. InterServer hosting service offers different plans for WordPress websites which include unlimited SSD, unlimited data transfer, speed optimization, free website migration, and much more. 

The high-quality hosting services provider is essential for the speed and stability of your WordPress website. It also allows using additional tools such as anti-virus security or free SSL-certificate.

How to create a website on WordPress

  1. The first step to creating a site on WordPress is to register a domain name. As a rule, the domain name must partially coincide with the name of the site, be short (otherwise it is difficult to enter it in the browser line on the smartphone), and have a meaning linked to your business. Here you can find information about how to come up with a good domain name.

The choice of the domain zone is also important. It does not affect the technical characteristics of the website and the effectiveness of its promotion in search engines, however, it forms the subconscious trust of the user audience.

You will save time if you purchase hosting while registering a domain name and installing WordPress. It is better to prefer the services of a hosting provider which includes the installation of WordPress in their services.

Getting Started with WordPress Website Management

The visual and functional parameters of your website will be determined by your chosen theme (template).

Notice that:

  1. If the development of a mobile version of the site is not needed, a template with an adaptive layout is enough.
  2. The advantage of paid templates is that developers regularly update them, providing information support. So if you pay for a professionally developed template you reduce the risk of creating a non-unique website.
  3. To install the selected template, you need to download the distribution kit from the developer’s site, then indicate the path to it on the installation page and activate the template.
  4. Creating sites on WordPress is convenient because the administrative panel does not require specific knowledge.

You can find many themes on the official WordPress website.

Website optimization:

Sometimes users are faced with a situation where the site is too slow. This is bad for website performance because the average user doesn’t like to wait for pages to download. Also search engine bots do not like slow websites, so your site will be under the risk of low positions.

Slow site pages loading is sometimes the result of installing a large number of plugins. Some of them slow pages loading speed because coded poorly, some of them are developed as a scam. Also, don’t forget to check how good your hosting provider is and where its servers are located.

But even if the site works fine, loads well, pay attention to optimization. Among the other acceleration methods, it is worth it to make page caching.

Among other methods, first of all, it is worth reducing image size. Do not upload images that are too large, reduce their size, optimizing for websites.

Add content

WordPress sites have two types of content: posts and pages.

Posts are blog articles, examples of work in a portfolio, or products in an online store. 

You can post comments or share them on social networks. By default, they are displayed on the page in chronological order: new posts will be on top, and old ones at the bottom.

Pages are sections of the site. The home page of the site and sections of the site are different pages. By default, WordPress displays posts on the home page.


Customize your WordPress website menu and select plugins

Many users use plugins very immoderately, installing unnecessary extensions, which often slow down the site loading speed. Learn useful information about the best plugin to speed up your website.

The plugin is better to be downloaded from the developer’s site and installed using the option “Download plugin”. Having activated the plugin, you can proceed with the settings of the backup parameters (for example, receive duplicate updates by email).

That’s all. We’ve covered the core features of WordPress and created a simple page. You just have to finish the job: add content to the remaining sections and edit their appearance.


WordPress allows you to launch a site in minutes. And then improve it without any restrictions. This will give you a competitive advantage and allow you to quickly launch a site that can serve you for years.

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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