SEO Guide

What Is Search Engine Optimization? Guide For Beginners

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Search Engine Optimization– also abbreviated as SEO

What is SEO?

How To Do SEO?

How to become an SEO?

Everybody has these question when they first heard about SEO that can boost their brand in the search engine rankings.

In this article, you will get to know the basics of SEO.

I’ll start from the Seed, or you can say The Beginning.

I’ll make this post as simpler as possible. Further, for your better understanding, I’ll break them into parts.


What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the technique or process to get free organic traffic to your website through different search engines.

Making it more simple, It means making your content suitable to the search engines to get indexed higher in their search results.

What Is SEO

Every search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo have their own algorithms and factors on which they rank and index the web pages in their search results.

In SEO, we optimize our web pages according to their factors.

Lemme tell you, No one knows their Algorithm. They have a combination of more than 200+ ranking factors on which they index web pages.

No one can Guarantee high rankings in search results.


SEO Types> On-Page & Off-Page SEO

 On-Page SEOWhat Is On-Page SEO

Everything that lies on the web page and is directly under the control of the webmaster comes under on page SEO.

On-Page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages to get higher indexing in search results.

It includes a bunch of factors responsible for higher indexing.

It includes Keyword density, ALT attribute, internal linking, proper H1 H2 H3 tags and other on-page practices used to increase rankings in search results.

Keyword Density – Number of the desired keyword for which you are ranking comes in the article. try to limit it to 1-3 %. don’t stuff your articles with keywords. If you do so, you can be penalized by Google.

ALT Attribute – Try to use the desired keyword in every alt attribute of the images included in the article.

Internal Linking – It refers to the number of links made to the next pages of the same blog/website. nowadays this also pays a key role in SEO.

Heading Tags –  Try to include your keyword in every headings and subheading of your blog post, as when Google robots crawl your web pages this will increase the chance of higher rankings.



Off-Page SEOWhat Is Off Page SEO

Off-page, SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a website in the search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that.

Please don’t mix link building with off-page SEO, there are a bunch of other things that are included in off-page SEO.

Building authority in google and having a better branding is also a part of off-page SEO, having connections with other fellow bloggers in your niche and related niche is also a kind of off-page SEO.

Let me tell you some Don’ts

  • Don’t comment for the sake of building backlink
  • Don’t guest post for links.
  • Never Spam for links.
  • Don’t buy links.

All you have to do is to provide VALUE, This way you can build a great authority and can make your brand more powerful & Emphasizing.

Be a little natural buddy, don’t be hype. everything will be great . just do your work effectively.


This was a real quick intro about SEO & its types.


By now, you must have got a little idea about Search Engine Optimization.

Now Let’s learn how you Search Engine Optimization can help you?

Scope & Advantages Of Search Engine Optimization

Do you know Google receives 40,000 searches every second which sums up to 3.5 billion searched every day?advantages of SEO

Just think the potential If you are indexed higher on those highly searched keywords.

You can make a lot out of it. In terms of Money, Brand Building,  Selling A Product or Service etc.

In fact, you can set a whole business on this model.

So here comes the part of SEO, As discussed earlier SEO plays a vital role in ranking a web page higher in search engine results.

By using SEO, you can reach to a higher audience for your product or service.

There are many other reasons why every business needs SEO for their websites & blogs.


SEO pulls-in quality traffic 

Having lots of traffic doesn’t define how successful your online business is? but the quality defines.

Let me explain this.

Mr. X has a website with more than 100k page views every month but only a 10% conversion rate.

While Mr. Y has a website with just 20k pageviews and conversion rate is 60% i.e out of every 100 visitors 60 users buy the product.

Who is more successful?

Mr. Y obviously.

So focus more on the quality rather than quantity.


SEO traffic is more likely to convert

Just like in the above case. SEO traffic is more likely to convert than any other traffic source. The conversion rates of SEO are the best conversion rate anyone can have.

By ranking higher in search engines you are making your business more visible to all the potential buyers out there on the web.


 SEO builds trust and credibility

Search engines are trustworthy in the eyes of users & that’s why they trust Google. Getting traffic from search engines means those users will also trust your Site.

By ranking higher for multiple keywords & searches, You’ll build a trusted user base/ subscriber base who will love to read and check out your products.

This will build trust & credibility of your business among the users.

 SEO is a long-term strategy

SEO works in the long term. With a proper SEO strategy, It can take 6-12 months to see the effective results and rankings. It takes time to go up in the rankings.

Same way, Once you’re indexed higher then you’re moved down slowly. It may because of the rising SEO competition in your niche or a major Google Core Algorithm Update.

Recently On 1 Aug, There was a Code Update in Google Algorithm. ( According To Sources )


 SEO increases your brand awareness and equity

You need to forget the traditional way of marketing your business.

It’s 2018 And SEO is the best way to market your blog among the most targetted users who are more likely to convert.

But keeping conversions aside, They will only buy when they’ll know about your brand. SEO can make people aware of your brand. This will help you to build brand awareness & equity.


SEO increases the value of your business

It’s 2018 and the Internet is the best marketplace for your business. If you are successful in building a stronger online presence. Boom!!! You’ll have a great business online.

You can make more out of your business than you make while working with the traditional offline methods.

Here, Search Engine Optimization will help you to build your presence stronger on the web.



SEO improves the speed of your website

According to Google, They give high preference to the sites who are responsive and have less loading time. It means site loading time is also a ranking factor.

So, If you are working on SEO of your blog then you need to improve the speed of the site.

Everyone loves high-speed sites & Google works solely for its users.


 SEO traffic is the real deal

The real deal is SEO traffic. The users who are visiting your sites are not coming for fun. They have problems and are looking for a solution. They clicked and landed on your site for a real solution and they are actionable.

Means if you’ll sell them something that can solve their problems then it’ll be a win-win situation for both you & the user.

All you need is to add value. As long as you add value, and understand your customers, you will have much success with SEO.


SEO will help you stand out

Out of millions of indexed web pages on the web, Search Engine Optimization will help you to stand apart from all those websites.

You’ll be given more priority, more authority by a proper SEO.

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram


  • mukesh

    Hello Aditya,

    Fantastic blog for beginners. I am also a beginner at SEO your blog is very informative for me.

    simply say thank you so much

  • Nishant

    Hi Aditya,
    Seo plays an important role in getting exposure to a blog/website and these basic steps needs to be covered to get blog rankings in search engine and after this one should also try Social Media sharing which also helps quite a lot in gaining regular visitors.

  • Roslia santamaria

    more appreciating blog! You’re doing a great job, Keep it up Thank you for the sharing good information and knowledge actually we are looking for this information since long time.

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