Hire Me

If you are in search of someone who could install WordPress on your hosting, fix a bug, or adding a new feature to your WordPress, then you’re at right place. I can do your work for some cheap amount of money.

Why Hire Me?

Nice question! I’m a teenage WordPress developer who has Started Blogging carrier from age of 14 and Doing Well. I can do your work for some cheap prices and I’m Deeply dedicated to my work. I won’t charge you hundreds of dollars for just adding one line code to your WordPress or blogger. I will provide you best support you could get on the World Wide Web as that’s what I do.

Give me a try & I won’t disappoint you 🙂


  • WordPress Installation. [ Free Of Cost If You Buy Hosting From My Link Click Here To Buy ]
  • WordPress Customization. [ Free Of Cost If You Buy Hosting From My Link Click Here To Buy ]
  • WordPress Bug Fixing
  • Search Engine Optimization.
  • Paid Posts & Reviews. [ More than 800 words ]
  • HTML To WordPress
  • Adding New Features To Your WordPress
  • WordPress SEO
  • WordPress To Blogger Migration
  • Blogger To WordPress Migration. [ Free Of Cost If You Buy Hosting From My Link Click Here To Buy ]
  • Many More According to Your Need
  • WordPress Migration To New Domain
  • WordPress Migration To New Host
  • Total WordPress Issues

Contact Us



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