perfect domain name

7 Tips To Find A Perfect Domain Name

You are setting up a business online? then domain names are similar to that.

Look choosing a domain name is similar to that of setting a name for your business. so it requires a lot of thought and consideration.

Nowadays choosing a perfect domain name for your business can be one of the challenging situations you face. It’s because your domain name is going to be your virtual identity. I mean you and your business will be known by your domain name.

So you must be careful while choosing a domain name for your business that not only fits your business but is also easy to brand or market.

I’m sharing few tips for choosing a perfect domain name for your business.

1. Make it easy & simple

Nobody remember a name that’s confusing or difficult to remember and type. I would recommend you to make it as simple as you can. Something that anyone could easily type and remember. just like, or anything.

Avoid using difficult abbreviations and words for your domain name.

2. Keeping it short

Short domain names are always loved by users. If your domain name is long and complex, you risk customers mistyping or misspelling it. Making it Short and simple is the best way to go.

3. Using keywords

Well, It’s not that important as I have seen a lot of domains without keyword but doing a good business online. Just for the sake of SEO, I would recommend you to try using keywords related to your niche so that it will help you in getting higher ranking in search engine results.

But, Wait !!!
It doesn’t mean you stuff your URL with keywords. I mean to say try to use keywords that describe your business.

So that people would get an idea about your business just by looking into your business name.

4. Avoiding numbers & hyphens

Using numbers and hyphens can cause confusion in between your customers. for example, using 2 in a domain name can also be used as ‘two’. People who hear your domain name can’t find the exact web address for your business.

So it’s better to avoid such numbers and hyphens.

5. Domain research

This is something you should always take care of if you are serious about your business. Before buying a domain name, look about it and make sure no trademarks and copyrights are there on the domain by any other business.

I’ll clear you this by an example: Let’s suppose Ronnie has a business of exports with the name of Kite Exports, then he might have registered the name and he also has the rights for the business name. then you can’t buy the domain because he can file a petition and can get the domain name in the future.

Also, check out the domain history through Wayback Machine Maybe you’ll be buying an expired domain


Also, look out for Google penalties and spam score of the domain name, it can be a nightmare if you buy a domain name that was used for spamming in the past.

6. Using the right extension

Extensions are suffix in the domain names like .com .in .net .org and a lot more. every domain has their own importance and use. like .org is basically used for an organization, .in represents India in the same way .uk represents united kingdom.

Make sure you choose the right domain extension for you that fits your business. The .com domain is the most used and popular domain extensions that are used by a lot of people and business online.

It’s also easy to remember domain extension, people generally add .com after the business names.

There are a lot more domain extensions available on the web like:

  • .co : an abbreviation for company, commerce, and community.
  • .info : informational sites.
  • .net : technical, Internet infrastructure sites.
  • .org : non-commercial organizations and nonprofits.
  • .biz : business or commercial use, like e-commerce sites.
  • .me : blogs, resumes or personal sites.

Recently a new extension .ooo is there in the market, You even can buy free domain names with extensions .ooo from

7. Be Quick

In this competitive world, you’ll face race in buying domain names too. So be quick because Domain Names sell quickly. I recommend you to buy your domain name before setting up your business. Sometimes it’s really tough to get the desired domain name and sometimes it can be costly too.

Try to buy domain names related to your domain names too, like misspelled domain names. so you’ll not lose your customers just because of spelling mistakes.


That’s it!!

Go Now and buy a domain name quickly. Nobody knows someone is going to buy the same domain name you want. Use these GoDaddy Coupons to get the discounts.


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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram


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